Friday, January 30, 2015

Spring 2015 Fashion Trends

I am a lover of fashion and a pop-culture addict. It is a full-time job. However, except for a lucky few, blogging or talking about pop-culture is not a paid position. So I am also a full time graduate student trying to make a career so I can afford the cable, internet, and other purchases it takes to be a pop-culture addict. Balancing my schoolwork, social life, TV schedule, etc. is not an easy task. And, as much as I hate this phrase: “Something’s gotta give…”, it holds true in my situation. Ergo, I have not had time to blog much. And I may have lost a good number of readers, but I will build it again because this is one of my passions and without it, my life would have a gaping hole in it.

So today is Friday, which means it’s Fashion Friday. I know we all are recovering from our Scandal hangover… Thank you Shonda Rhimes for allowing me to do my best Sarah Winchester impression as I said aloud, “Is this the world we live in?” Thankfully, I came to my senses and realized that I actually do not live in Olivia Pope’s world (thank God for small miracles), and that I can leave the TV world behind as I go to bed…or I can at least try…

But I digress… Yesterday evening, I was trying to catch up on watching some of the fashion shows online. Someone suggested to me to write about the Spring 2015 trends, so I was trying to make note of recurring themes that I was seeing. But I soon had to give up for reasons of timing. But I promised a blog today, and I had to deliver. Luckily for me, the fabulous people at did some of that tedious work for me (even though I enjoy that type of tedious work). They listed 10 runway trends for the spring, and a few of them were ones I was noticing as well. I will be discussing a few here. I’m going to include ones that I think might appear on the red carpet this year since award season is in full swing. Here’s the link to the full list along with some fabulous pictures:

Tablecloth Chic
 Photo courtesy of

What I called “tablecloth chic”, the writers at Popsugar refer to as “Cool-Girl Gingham”. I honestly feel the checkered pattern is a bit boring. Some people might refer to gingham as an all American apple-pie-esque look, but even apple pie needs the volume turned up a bit. Let’s see some the checkered pattern in some vibrant colors, and let’s do away with the white. How about neon yellow and black as a pair?

Now when it comes to the red carpet, I think a gingham gown has the ability to be stunning and unexpected on an all-American girl next door like Reese Witherspoon or possibly Emma Stone. But it must be done properly, lest the starlet look like a modern day Little Bo Peep.

Elizabethan Neckline
Photo courtesy of

Another trend this spring is the high neckline. I call it the Elizabethan neckline because the high collars make me think of the accordion Queen Elizabeth I is often portrayed as having worn around her neck. High necklines are thought to be equated with very conservative ways of dressing, and sometimes this is the case, but there is a way to show cleavage while still maintaining some modesty. A plunging neckline with a top collared piece made of lace (or chiffon if you aren’t a grandmother or a doily) can be sexy and sophisticated.

Many actresses have worn dresses and gowns with high necklines on the red carpet before, but maybe this year we will see more than before since it’s considered a trend. However, so many ladies in Hollywood have paid a tremendous amount of money for their breasts, so they use any opportunity to show them off that they can get. It wouldn’t surprise me if some plastic surgeons have a contract with their patients stipulating that they must show cleavage on the red carpet.

Shoulders, Shoulders, Shoulders
Photo courtesy of

2015 is the year of the shoulder… Haven’t I heard something like that on Will and Grace before?... Well in this case, it’s no joke. Bare shoulders are en vogue this year. Unfortunately, not all women can pull this off. You have to have the right type of shoulders. If you have too strong and broad of a shoulder, you can look like a linebacker (let’s not forget the sleeveless dress worn by Kelly Bensimon on RHONY… I was frightened…). If you have a weak and quickly sloping shoulder line that looks like your arms are growing out of neck, you can’t afford to expose your shoulders either. I personally suffer from the latter, and it is yet another reason I am grateful to be a male. I couldn’t go through that scrutiny. Not every woman is fortunate enough to have the shoulders of the women in the above pictures…

Make sure you pop over to to see the rest of the Spring 2015 trends. There are definitely some more I could discuss, but I’ve given you a taste here. Let me know if you’d like me to continue this topic next week. I’ll tease you with my thoughts of Tilda Swinton, the current queen of androgyny in Hollywood, wearing a brightly colored striped suit on the red carpet… Or I could write about something completely different. But I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below. I will hopefully be back next Friday with another Fashion Friday blog. Have a great weekend and stay fabulous!