Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Trendsday Wednesday 5/21

I’ve discussed E!’s show The Fabulist before. Sadly, their season has ended. However, they have given us a list of top 10 trends of the season. I’ve already discussed and given my opinion on some of them but not all. So this week, I’m filling in the blanks and talking about the trends on the list I have not bitched about yet. The link to the full list is below.


Some of you may know this as “rooster sauce” since it comes in a bottle with a rooster on it, but the bottle has the word “sriracha”, so that’s what a lot of people in the Western world know it as. It’s basically an Asian chili sauce with garlic. It has been around for quite a while, but apparently recently there has been a surge in popularity. If you remember, during the Lay’s new flavor competition they produced and sold a Sriracha flavored potato chip. I’m sure many of you will disagree with me, but I found it disgusting, and I don’t think it tasted much like the sauce. It tasted like ketchup with extra vinegar and some spice… But I digress… I don’t have a problem with Sriracha having a burst in popularity. It’s tasty. HOWEVER, having said that, I do think it works best with the type of food it was meant for, Asian or even Asia-esque food. I do not understand putting it on a chicken panini. I have seen on a menu a chicken pesto panini served with “Sriracha mayo”. I’m all for adventurous fusion cuisine, but that does not sound appetizing to me. Maybe I don’t love Sriracha as much as others do, but I can’t imagine it tasting good on any other type of food… I was going to ask, “What’s next? Sriracha ice cream?” but I stopped and decided to Google it. Of course it already exits. What was I thinking? What’s your opinion? Would you eat Sriracha ice cream?

Artwork in Fashion

Hold on… “Artwork in Fashion”?... Fashion IS art! Some pieces are wearable art, and some haute couture pieces are pure art and not meant to be worn out in public. A better and more explanatory title for this trend would have been “Painting in Fashion” or something like that where the medium of art is distinguished… OK, I’m stepping off of the soapbox… Sorry about that… I get passionate about weird things sometimes. Anyway, in this case they are referring to the recent trend of making the clothing resemble paintings. Prada exemplified this trend with one of their recent runway shows. I think it’s a great idea. Why not merge different media of art? It has certainly been done before. What do you think music videos are?

Boxed wine

Before you go out and buy Franzia thinking that it’s chic and stylish now, I must warn you that you are making a false assumption. Franzia is still cheap and not very good. I have, however, tried the Black Box Wines. I saw it was in a box, and I immediately judged the person serving it to me. But I must admit, it was quite delicious. So I suggest you try it. I honestly think the only reason this is becoming a “trend” is because of this company. They have shattered the stereotype of boxed wine being cheap and classless. Now if only someone could do that for Tara Reid.

Book Clutches

I don’t know who first came up with this idea, but s/he is a genius. It looks like you’re carrying a book, but it’s actually a clutch! Now even Paris Hilton can appear to be educated as she totes around what appears to be War and Peace. I enjoy classic literature, and whenever you can incorporate it into fashion, you get the thumbs up from me. (Now that I’ve made that blanket statement, someone will prove me wrong.) It’s yet another example of merging to different media of art. The downside is the price. The designer versions I saw online were 1200€! That’s a bit much, but if you are the DIY type The Fabulist gives you a pretty easy way to make your own. See the link below.

Horned Décor

Unless your house is country or log cabin themed, I don’t see a place for horned décor in it. Frankly I think it’s tacky. I don’t want a dead animal or even a dead fake animal hanging on my wall judging me. That’s what friends and mothers are for. 

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