Friday, June 27, 2014

Fashion News Friday 6/27

Here are some of the interesting things going on in the fashion world.

Julian Assange Starts Modeling Career?

Ben Westwood’s upcoming fashion show will feature a controversial new model. Julian Assange, the creator of WikiLeaks, will walk the runway for the designer in September. The fugitive has been living in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for about two years. The fashion show will be held in the embassy, so Assange will not be risking his freedom. Westwood discusses the choice in using Assange saying, “…[I]t’s important that he doesn’t slip into obscurity.” Westwood further says that what has happened to Julian is “unfair”, and the designer has created something for him to wear in the show that was inspired by The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I’m sorry, but I think this is quite bizarre, and I don’t like it when artists make such grand and specific and in-your-face political gestures. Making reference to a cause or policy is expected and often times needed, but this is so specific and controversial, I think Westwood is only doing it for the attention. It’s unsightly. What do you think? Is it a good idea to champion Julian Assange? Is Westwood being authentic and genuine in his political statement?

T-shirt with Kate Moss Quote Pulled

A t-shirt with a quote by the famous supermodel Kate Moss is no longer for sale at Hudson’s Bay Company due to the controversial nature of the quote. During an interview in 2009, Kate Moss was quoted saying, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” The quote immediately sparked outrage, but designer Christopher Lee Suave decided to put the quote on a shirt as part of a nutritional facts label. The t-shirt, like the quote itself, has sparked outrage with consumers, and as a result, it has been pulled from the shelves. Suave defends his creation saying:

“Fashion is created to be either celebrated, adored, or hated and deplored, quite like the industry itself. The particular T-shirt in question showcases an infamous quote by supermodel Kate Moss as a nutrition label - most, if not all, of my designs showcase some type of statement pointing out the absurdity of fashion, and this one item is no exception… I fully understand and comprehend the severity of an eating disorder and I do not condone celebrating such pain. My sincerest apologies to anyone that I have offended with my designs. I believe wholeheartedly in my work, however, and I can't [apologize] for that."

So it seems that Suave was being satirical with his design, but it was completely misconstrued. He was actually pointing out the absurdity of the quote and showing how the fashion industry can seem to glorify being overly skinny and even, in a certain light, eating disorders themselves. In my opinion, this is a way to make a political or social statement. It’s just unfortunate that his was misconstrued. Do you think the message was too subtle? Should the shirt have been pulled from the shelves?

LDR Attacked for Romanticizing Death

Okay, this isn’t really fashion related, but I thought it was interesting. In a recent interview, Lana Del Rey was quoted saying, “I wish I was dead already.” Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of Kurt Cobain, was outraged by this statement. She laments not being able to know her own father due to his untimely death. She further says that the deaths of young artists are especially sad because they never fully realize their potential. Cobain said on Twitter, “The death of young musicians isn't something to [romanticize]… Embrace life, because u only get one life.” Lana has responded saying that the quote came from “leading questions” posed by the interviewer. In further response, the interviewer posted the recording of the interview along with his piece. We’ll have to see how this all plays out. However, I feel I must point out that romanticizing death is nothing new. It has been in different media of art for centuries. In fact, the novel Madame Bovary has a somewhat satirical look at this concept. The title character seems to believe life is supposed to be like a romance novel, and that in order to be fulfilled, hers must come to a tragic end. I won’t ruin it for you, but the novel has a darkly amusing ending. My point is that the romanticizing of death is not something Lana started, and it certainly will not and should not end any time soon. Do you think LDR’s comment was out of line and over the top? Is she trying to get attention, or does she really feel that way?

Princess Di Caused Image Obsession for European Princesses

This article was a bit too long for me to comment on and give it the attention it needed. But it’s a good read and quite interesting, so I suggest you read it. If you would like me to give my thoughts on the topic, let me know, and I will in Monday’s blog.

Don’t forget to leave a topic request for Monday’s blog.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fashion Reads 6/26

So I changed a setting for the “Comments”, and I think it was preventing some people from being able to comment. So please try again, and we’ll see if it works.

The library is open…

America Ferrera

America Ferrera is only 30 years old. So why does she have the breasts of a 60 year old? Seriously, they’re almost down to her waist. I really hope she isn’t wearing a bra. If she is, it’s not doing its job. And if she’s not, I don’t know why she’s not. There is nothing about that top that wouldn’t allow for a bra to be worn. I don’t think the look is bad, but it’s not age appropriate. And frankly, it looks like something an older drag queen would wear. So the bottom line is, America Ferrera has the face of a 30 year old, but the wardrobe and body of a 60 year old? Yikes…


I think Kesha must have had a lobotomy. This is not the same woman we saw last year. I really must give her the accolades she deserves. She’s grown up and cleaned up, and she’s beautiful. Her dress is beautiful. Yes, it’s translucent, but there is something underneath it, so all that is visible is her arms. I will say it is a bit short, but her legs are amazing, so I can’t shame her for wanting to show them off. Do you like this new and improved Kesha, or do you like watching train wrecks? I’ll admit, sometimes I’m a horrible person that finds entertainment in watching people unravel and circle the drain. But I am genuinely happy that Kesha is doing so well.

Lady Gaga

Where are the PETA protesters? Did they run out of red paint? Why are they not here harassing the Mother Monster for skinning a poodle to make her wig? Or maybe she stole one of Cher’s wigs… Either way she looks ridiculous. The hooker boots and the torn fishnets and hot pants just reek of class, don’t they? Would anyone like to explain to me why she is carrying a random picture of a trumpet? The more I look, the more confused I get… As you can see, this has been comprised almost completely of questions. I can’t process it, but maybe that’s what she was going for. You never know with Gaga…

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Trends-day Wednesday 6/25

For this week’s Trends-day Wednesday, I’m looking at food trends. Baum and Whiteman are international food and restaurant consultants (sounds like an amazing job to me), and they put together a list of 12 trends in the food industry for 2014. Since I like to give some attention to each trend, discussing 12 seems to be too much for one post, so I’m breaking it up into three posts. I will countdown the trends with 12-9 this week, 8-5 next week, and 4-1 the following week. I typically would give you a link to where I am getting my stories, but I don’t want you to cheat and look ahead, so I’m being mean and withholding that from you. I know if you really want to ruin the surprise, you could probably Google it, but that would take away all of the fun.

12. Mideast Cooking

I have always been a fan of Middle Eastern food. I find it aromatic and exotically flavorful. Of course, the word “exotic” here is completely relative. It’s only “exotic” because I have an American’s palate, and I wasn’t used to those flavor profiles when I first tried them.

This surge in Middle Eastern style food has been attributed to the relocation of people as they flee undesirable situations in Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, and Iraq. Zaatar, a specific type of spice, and pomegranate are popping up on menus more and more. Of course, as Americans are apt to do, the restaurants are putting their own American spin on some of the dishes, creating a type of Middle Eastern-American fusion.

Baum and Whiteman discuss several specific dishes that are becoming popular. However, one in particular caught my eye. Now that I am living in New Mexico, I see red and green chilies everywhere and in everything. Shug or shuk is a Yemenite dip that contains coriander, cumin, and red or green chilies. I would venture to guess the people of New Mexico might enjoy that one. I’d certainly like to try it. Even spice shops are getting into the mix. La Boîte à Epice, a well-known spice shop in New York, sells special top-secret spice mixes to world famous chefs like Eric Ripert and Daniel Boulud.

I’m looking forward to seeing more recipes and ideas on Middle Eastern foods and cuisine. What do you think? Are you adventurous enough to try new things?

11. Asian Flavors

Now we’re moving from the Mideast to the Far East. As I said before, Americans like to innovate by creating fusion cuisines. Of course this is reminiscent of the make-up of our country and the families here within. Most of us are a great mixture of cultures, so why not extend that to the food?

Chefs are finding interesting ways to include Asian flavors into their Western dishes. Asian flavors are full of umami components, and they can really enhance Western dishes that might be lacking in those flavors. (Now that I think about it, I could probably write an entire linguistic paper on the word umami… In the interest of not boring you, if you do not know what umami is or means, you should look it up. You might just learn something.) I’ve already discussed my feelings on sriracha and the whole sriracha mayo/sriracha aioli concept, but apparently other Asian food items, like kimchee, have also blown up in the Western world.

I love Asian flavors, but they are so powerful that I am hesitant to start adding them to everything and anything. What new Asian fusion foods would you want to try? A kimchee omelet? Actually, that sounds good…

10. “Eatertainment”

Eating at a restaurant appeals to all of your senses. Typically, you use taste and smell the most and the other senses are more subtly triggered. Well, now restaurants are looking to turn up the volume with different types of experiences.

A restaurant in Shanghai called Ultraviolet gives diners a truly unique experience at a very high cost. I’ll let Baum and Whiteman tell you about it in their own words.

“Avant garde restaurant Ultraviolet, in Shanghai, shanghais ten high-spending diners nightly to a secret room that radically shifts moods with each course ... uplights in the floor, 360-degree high-def projectors, swings in air temperature, four smell diffusers, 22 speakers, LEDs, waiters changing customers to suit the food. Chef-owner Paul Pairet calls it “psychotasting” ... you go from Zen to hell in 20 courses over four hours in a night of sensory integration. Oh, yes, the food’s pretty good.”

Other restaurants play with the humidity in the room or cause the tables to heat or cool or even vibrate the plates on cue. Some even use strange tableware to play with your psyche while you use them. For example, there are actually “cups with nipples” and “ball shaped spoons”. This idea comes from research which suggests that people perceive round shapes as being sweeter and jagged shapes as being bitter.

Other restaurants completely take away the stimulation of one sense so that your others are heightened. In Brooklyn, a restaurant serves meals in complete and utter silence, while other restaurants will serve their food in the dark.

I must admit, I would try one of these experiences once, but I have a feeling I will not enjoy it. I tend to be a creature of habit. Which of the things I discussed here appeals most to you? Would you eat at any of these unique restaurants?

9. Pop-ups, Food Fairs, and Single-item Restaurants

Pop-ups and food fairs are generally ways for people with business ideas to test out their products and dishes and concepts on a small scale in order to see if they might catch on and possibly become successful full-scale businesses. This is a brilliant idea and seems to suit the food industry the best. If a pop-up restaurant is wildly popular for the one or two nights it is open, then that could solidify a reputation and a clientele for a restaurant that is not even built yet. Conversely, a pop-up that does poorly, even if it has a solid concept, can utterly destroy a dream and idea. But it’s better to know that you have some things to work on and tweak before you spend a lot of time and money opening a restaurant that is doomed to fail.

I had no idea, but it seems that single-item restaurants are becoming popular and taking off. If you pick one item and you do it flawlessly, I imagine you would have a hit on your hands. The same thing happened with Cane’s in Baton Rouge. They only sell chicken fingers, but they do it so well and at such a good quality level, that it has exploded and become a staple of the state of Louisiana. They are now franchising to other states. In large cities, like Chicago and New York, restaurants have popped up that sell only baked potatoes or churros or hummus or biscuits. Baum and Whiteman do mention that if these items catch on, the big chains will follow suit and copy their ideas, and I imagine they will sell the products at a lower cost. Thus is the nature of capitalism… But the question is, do you see these single-item restaurants being able to survive in a smaller city? I would say, “yes”, just because of the example and precedent Cane’s set in Baton Rouge, but is it possible that was merely a fluke? Did it work simply because they sell greasy food that people want to eat after a night of imbibing a little too much?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fashion Reads 6/24

The library is open…

Olivia Wilde

Poor Olivia Wilde must have caught one of those strange diseases from one of the patients from House. Surely she is now blind, right? That is the only acceptable excuse for why she would put these two prints together. If you read the article below the picture, you can see that E!’s writers say, “Yay,” to this look. I’m sorry. I can’t be the only one who thinks this would actually give you a headache if you stared at it too long. While the skirt is not exactly polka dots, it is very close. And we’ve all heard that you don’t mix stripes with polka dots; it’s worse when the two prints are not even in different color families, but they’re in different color species. Please tell me you wouldn’t wear this.

Claudia Levy & Kiernan Shipka

Wait… Huh?... I’m sorry; you’ll have to speak up. I couldn’t hear you over these dresses… Now that I’ve closed the window with those pics, I can hear. Those dresses were a bit loud. I’ll admit that they’re kinda cute, but really in your face shouting, “Notice me!” But what should we expect from a girl whose character sleeps with her brother? Yeah, I’m talking about you, Kiernan… You weren’t just playing with flowers in that attic… Anyway, E! is trying to pit these two looks against each other. I can’t pick one as being better than the other. What do you think?

Kendall Jenner

Let’s nominate Kris Jenner for mother of the year! She has truly shown she knows how to raise children… I know Kendall recently turned 18, and technically doesn’t have to listen to her mother anymore, but one would hope that Kris could have talked her out of wearing something this revealing. The slit in this dress is up to the waist! If we can tell that you are freshly waxed AND that you are not wearing any undergarment, then the dress is too revealing. I hope for everyone’s sake she is using some heavy-duty double stick tape around her pink parts. Any wind or fast movement could unleash something horrible. With that family’s history, I’d dare say every black man in the Western Hemisphere would be permanently entranced. That means Biden would be running the country… God help us!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Make-a-request Monday 6/23

I guess I should explain why I have been MIA from writing for the past week… I took an impromptu vacation. I drove down to Tucson to spend some time with a good friend that I hadn’t seen in almost a year. I’ll blame him for that just because I don’t want to take blame. See how that works?

I have also frantically been looking for a job for the summer, as I mentioned before, and I have an interview this afternoon. So I have my fingers crossed…

Anyway, I know no one really cares about that stuff. That’s not why you’re here. You’re here to read my bitchy ramblings opinionated musings on fashion…or perhaps you’re just extremely bored and browsing the Internet. Either way let’s get to it.

Today is Monday… hold on… I need to let The Bangles’ song finish playing in my head before I continue… Okay. So on Mondays I talk about things you guys have asked me to talk about. Only one person values my opinion apparently because she is the only one who ever makes a topic request. It could be that is because she is the only person who reads my blog on a regular basis, which is a bit depressing. So I’m going to delude myself into thinking that the rest of you are just lazy or uninterested. I realize I just alienated and insulted my readers, but you should be honored; I usually only do that to celebrities on here. Anyway, today I have one topic, so the blog will be short. Let’s go…

Joga Pants

Honestly, at first, the word “joga” frightened me. I was expecting something sci-fi and straight out of Star Wars. Then when I saw what they were, I understood. It’s a blending (portmanteau) of the words “jeans” and “yoga”. So these are jeans you can do yoga in. I am very skeptical, and for good reason. The first (and last) time I did yoga I did it in a pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans. Go ahead and laugh, but I must explain that I am not an idiot. I did not realize that I would be doing yoga that day when I chose my outfit. I was peer pressured into it by some very evil people… Back to the topic at hand… I can attest from first hand experience that you cannot and should not do yoga in jeans. The denim simply does not allow you to stretch as far as your body naturally can. Denim is a tough and rugged fabric, and because of that, it does not want to stretch.

To me, this is reminiscent of the pajama jeans. Pajama jeans were made to look like jeans, but feel and move like pajamas. However, they most certainly do not look like jeans. Even Helen Keller would have been able to recognize without touching them that they were not made of denim. The websites for these joga pants claim that they are made of real denim, but the denim is woven in a special and unique way. It seems that there is a cotton-like material on the underside that is overlaid with the denim. I don’t see how that would make the denim able to stretch more. The websites are not giving me enough information to convince me that it’s true. It sounds like some old school alchemy to me. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

In concept, I think it’s a great idea. You can do yoga and run errands without having to bring an extra pair of clothes. And you don’t have to feel like a slob going into a store with exercise clothes on. However, I have a feeling that some people will use these as an excuse to do yoga and then go to a meeting or to lunch or back to work wearing the same clothes. And that gets a resounding “NO!” from me. It’s just plain unhygienic. You’re sweating in those joga pants, and you think it’s okay to meet up with other people without showering or at least changing first? I don’t think so…

So my overall verdict: concept gets a gets a thumbs up, but execution gets a skeptical thumb sideways. I don’t want to make a decision without seeing and feeling them in person. So if any of you decide to buy them, let me know how they are. Also, leave comments and your opinions. Am I being too cynical and skeptical? Do you agree with me?

I’ll be back tomorrow with my fashion reads. Make sure to bring your library card… 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Fashion Reads 6/11

So I missed Monday because no one left me a request… Hmmm… Maybe I should just take Mondays off. I missed yesterday because I sang at the funeral of the last of the Navajo code talkers who recently passed away. I was very honored to do that especially for a national hero. I have also been searching for a summer job and failing miserably. So I may be out on the street in two months, and I really won’t be able to write my blog. What will you guys do for entertainment?... So it’s been an interesting beginning to the week.

I’m pretty sure you guys like the “Fashion Reads” posts more than the “Trends-day Wednesday” posts, so I’m breaking my routine. Those of you who know me well know that this is hard for me because of my neurotic and borderline OCD nature, but I’m doing it for your enjoyment. That means you will get two “Fashion Reads” posts in a row. Who’s excited? Please try to contain yourself…

The library is open…

Today’s post is a little special. I will be reading one celebrity for three different looks! Let me know if you think I should do this more often. It could be fun…

Today’s victim: Rihanna

Is Rihanna standing outside the gates of heaven? Oh that’s Sephora you say? Well you say “tomato”; I say “F-you”… J Anyway, I think this look is okay. I quite like the top. I keep going back and forth between the adjectives “futuristic” and “primitive”. I realize they’re very much on the opposite ends of the spectrum, but I can’t make up my mind… It has a type of structured boning around the edges of the strips of cloth that are very sci-fi and exoskeleton-esque. I think it looks really cool. On the other hand, we have the pants. Three problems: 1.) I don’t even like men’s cargo pants on men; why would I think they were okay on Rihanna? 2.) The color is off. The color of the pants doesn’t HAVE to match the color of the top, but the two pieces are so close in color that it looks like it was a mistake or that one piece faded. 3.) They are too freaking long! They’re all bunched up at the ankle. She could easily trip on them in her high heels. Not safe… What do you think? Cargo pants for women? Yea or Nay?

A couple of weeks ago I read Rihanna for wearing pajamas on a red carpet. Apparently she doesn’t read my blog. I’m so shocked! She’s done it again. Here she is wearing what appears to be, as E! calls it, a slip or a nightgown at an awards show. All I can say is it makes her look cheap. I don’t get it. Do you like this? Am I crazy?

I tried to get away with not discussing this one, but I was asked to, so here it goes… You may be surprised to hear this, but I actually like the dress. It’s very elegant and old Hollywood, which is made complete by the addition of the fur. It’s well designed in its simplicity, and it’s covered in Swarovski crystals. I think it’s the perfect dress for the occasion as well (the Council for Fashion Designer Awards). I just wish she had worn pasties or something to cover her nipples, and I don’t think she needs the crystal studded swimming cap. Otherwise, she’s a knockout. Do you like it? If you had the chance, would you wear this (with proper cover-up of course)?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Fashion News Friday 6/6

What has been going on in the fashion world over the last week?

New Balance sues Karl Lagerfeld

New Balance is suing Karl Lagerfeld over the design of his new shoes. They claim that Karl used a block letter “K” as opposed the New Balance “N”, but otherwise the two shoe designs are identical. I guess Karl should offer to buy the people at New Balance some glasses. I looked at the two shoes, and obviously Karl’s is different and more expensive looking. I agree they look similar, but I would not say “identical”. For one thing, Karl has used better material in his shoes; you can see the shine in the leather of his shoe as opposed to the dull look of the cloth on the New Balance shoe. New Balance is claiming that customers could be confused by the similarities. Obviously, New Balance has no faith in the intelligence of their customers. Karl’s shoes have a large “K” on the side of them. Why would New Balance randomly start using a “K” instead of “N”? I would hope people could reason through that and avoid confusion. However, the cynic in me seeing how people are today, tells me that people may not be that intelligent… Anyway, I DO think that Karl could have made his shoes more different, but I DON’T think that New Balance will win their case based on the points they bring up.

Walk for Karl Lagerfeld

Karl seems to be popping up everywhere this week… Would you like to walk in fashion shows for Karl Lagerfeld and become a new model in the internationally known modeling agency Ford Models? Here’s your chance! Ford Models is recruiting new models via social media. You can upload your photos and selfies along with your “statistics” (I’m assuming that means height and weight) with the hashtag “#walkwithkarl” and put yourself in the competition. Unless someone has a lifelong dream of being a runway model, I don’t see why one would put him/herself through such scrutiny. It takes a lot of courage to put that information out there on social media. Good luck to all who go for it. It’s just another way social media is changing our world. You no longer have to travel to the modeling agencies and meet with them in person for them to notice you. Is this a good thing or bad thing? Let me know your opinion.

Black Widow wants Gucci Job

This is a soap opera or reality show in the making… Patrizia Reggiani was convicted of hiring a hit-man to kill her former husband and head of Gucci, Maurizio Gucci. She has been quoted saying, “I've never worked a day in my life; I'm certainly not going to start now.” However, she seems to have changed her mind. She wants to return to the Gucci label. She feels she has the qualifications simply because she has been “shopping around the world”. I would assume many people could put that on their resume, but I doubt that makes them qualified to work for an internationally known fashion label. Reggiani still asserts that she did not order Gucci’s death. She claims at some point she said, “I wish Maurizio would die,” but she didn’t want it to actually happen. I feel like I’ve seen this movie before… I recognize that plot line… I don’t forsee her getting this position. Do you?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fashion Reads 6/5

You may have noticed that I did not have a post yesterday. Other aspects of life sometimes get in the way. Sorry I couldn’t bring you your daily dose of sunshine. Let’s take a trip to the library, and see whom we can read today.

The library is open…

Chrissy Teigen

What fresh hell is this? Why can we see, as E! aptly calls them, Chrissy’s “granny panties”? I have a problem with the fact that the bottom is shear, but if you’re going to go for it, go all the way. Wear a thong or something sexy. I’m sure some of you are thinking, if she had done that, I would have read her for being slutty. And you’re probably right. I’m never satisfied, but that’s the fun of it… And what’s with that top? It looks like a kid in pre-school made it. I have never sewn before, and I probably could have made something better. I guess now that she’s married she thinks she doesn’t have to try to look good anymore.

Naomi Campbell

I realize I am putting my life on the line here. If I die due to blunt force trauma from a cell phone, you know whom to look for… Perhaps she was purposely being ironic? She’s at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards, and she is looking glamour-less. She’s reminding me of Josephine Baker… if Josephine Baker were not famous and were performing on the street corner for pocket change… My biggest issue with this is the fringe stringy things that are holding the top and the bottom together. It’s making her look like a busted sausage, like the dress literally could not hold her in it and is starting to fray. I’m sure that’s what every supermodel strives to look like…

Blake Lively

Okay… I’m getting it… I typically do not like mustard yellow on anything but a hamburger, but surprisingly, I think it goes very well with Blake’s skin tone. And she really got lucky with this photograph. I imagine in others the flash would have changed the look of her skin, and the color of the dress would no longer work… Overall, I think it’s a good look, but I have two problems with it. First of all, it’s wrinkled. This fabric is obviously prone to wrinkling. I realize that when a woman sits down, like in the car on the way to an event, her dress may wrinkle. The problem is that this dress is so simple that it is super noticeable. The only thing more distracting, which leads me to my second problem with this dress, is the vagina on her chest. Why do people not understand that these keyhole cutouts on the chest will take on the appearance of a vagina if the woman wearing the dress or shirt has any semblance of a bust at all? It’s okay if the fabric is one that moves. The shape will change as the fabric and body move, but in patent leather that vagina is here to stay and make you uncomfortable.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fashion Reads 6/3

The library is open…

Naomi Watts

To steal a line from one of my favorite movies, “They do things differently in bourgeois bohemia.” (Can you name the film? Leave your guess in the comments.) Naomi is looking very hippie-dippie in this denim smock; I won’t even call it a dress. She looks like she just came from a cult meeting with that freshly brainwashed smile on her face. The guy behind her looks just as confused as I am at this outfit. The writers at E! seem to like this look, but I claim they must be smoking the same stuff Naomi was.

Courtney Love

Courtney Love never disappoints. I can always count on the septum-less “former” coke-addict for a laugh. This time it’s fashion related. Being a man, I may be wrong, but I think the purpose of a cleavage-showing gown is to cup the breasts and slightly lift them, not flatten them like pancakes. That just looks painful. And is anyone else distracted by the ever-so-subtle placement of that V-shape near her pink parts? It just screams, “Notice me! I have the potential for camel toe!” And I have to make mention of the shoe. A platform pink cheetah print pump… If I thought anyone would pay for that, I would say she was going to work later that night…

Emily Blunt

On a more positive note, Emily Blunt is looking gorgeous! This dress is by Prada, and it is so simple that it is perfection. This is the quintessential fashion example of “Less is more”. She looks like a long, slender tube of red lipstick, something that might be called “vicious trollop”, and I mean that in a completely complimentary way. (Anyone know the TV reference of the lipstick name? Venture a guess.) To accent the severe dress with a whimsical hot pink lip and purse I think was genius. She looks so fabulous that I bet even Tom Cruise made a pass at her… But seriously, whom is he trying to fool? 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Make-a-Request Monday 6/2

Today’s post is a mixing of topics, but that is to be expected from a request-a-topic blog post. One topic was suggested to me, and is a food-ish topic.  Another I stumbled across myself as I was perusing Twitter. The last topic I saw discussed on a TV program, and it made me curious to hear others’ opinions. So here we go…


I grew up in south Louisiana, and I have never heard of this. The article says it comes from the “delta region of Mississippi.” I’m not entirely sure where that is referring. The delta region of the Mississippi River is in Louisiana, not too far south from where I grew up in Baton Rouge. And as a child I frequented the Mississippi Gulf Coast on short vacations. Yet I’ve still never heard of or seen this. Perhaps I was sheltered growing up in a metropolitan area… Anyway, I think the idea of a Kool-aid pickle is strange yet oddly fascinating. I can’t help but think it would be disgusting, but at the same time, I really would like to try one. It’s an odd combination of flavors, but grape and rosemary pair wonderfully together, so why not at least try grape and dill? I imagine it would be a great and refreshing way to beat the summer heat. Although, my southern summer snack staple (try saying that 5 times fast…) is frozen grapes… Would you eat one of these? Have you ever heard of them?


So now that my summer has started, I have had a good bit of free time on my hands. I have used that time so incredibly productively scouring the Internet for fun and interesting things. (Yes, that was sarcasm… I could and should be doing other things…) I was on Twitter, and saw that I was added to a fashion related list. That is where I found this new company. The founder, Roberta, came up with the brilliant idea to use 3D printing technology to create fashion accessories. Each piece can be made as one-of-a-kind. In fact, it is Roberta’s vision to create unique pieces. The first line of her “manifesto” reads, “Don’t blend in. Ever.” I looked at some of the pieces on the website, and I think they are amazing. They are very modern, and geometric shapes and bright colors are available. Take a look for yourself, and tell me what you think. I will admit that I am being a bit of a tease here since they only ship to the “UK and Europe”, but I have a feeling this may catch on, and they will start shipping to the US as well.

Terrycloth Clothing

I was watching Fashion Queens on Bravo last night, and they started discussing clothing made from towel fabric, or terrycloth. Apparently, this was a trend in the late 80s and early 90s, and there is talk of it coming back. I totally see the utilitarian aspect of terrycloth clothing for poolside or on the beach. You go for a swim, and when you get out, you put on a terrycloth robe, cover-up, shorts, skirt, etc. It absorbs a good bit of the water instead of allowing it all to seep through your clothes. So yes, for the beach or pool, great idea and very useful. However, I get nervous when I hear the word “trend” associate with this. To me “trend” means something is popular and pervasive. I really do not want to see a girl or, even worse, a grown woman walking around the mall or grocery store wearing a terrycloth skirt. Not cute. Would you wear terrycloth in public if you weren’t going to the beach or pool? If so, I’m judging you, and please send me a picture so I can feature you in my Tuesday or Thursday posts… Just kidding… sort of…