Monday, June 23, 2014

Make-a-request Monday 6/23

I guess I should explain why I have been MIA from writing for the past week… I took an impromptu vacation. I drove down to Tucson to spend some time with a good friend that I hadn’t seen in almost a year. I’ll blame him for that just because I don’t want to take blame. See how that works?

I have also frantically been looking for a job for the summer, as I mentioned before, and I have an interview this afternoon. So I have my fingers crossed…

Anyway, I know no one really cares about that stuff. That’s not why you’re here. You’re here to read my bitchy ramblings opinionated musings on fashion…or perhaps you’re just extremely bored and browsing the Internet. Either way let’s get to it.

Today is Monday… hold on… I need to let The Bangles’ song finish playing in my head before I continue… Okay. So on Mondays I talk about things you guys have asked me to talk about. Only one person values my opinion apparently because she is the only one who ever makes a topic request. It could be that is because she is the only person who reads my blog on a regular basis, which is a bit depressing. So I’m going to delude myself into thinking that the rest of you are just lazy or uninterested. I realize I just alienated and insulted my readers, but you should be honored; I usually only do that to celebrities on here. Anyway, today I have one topic, so the blog will be short. Let’s go…

Joga Pants

Honestly, at first, the word “joga” frightened me. I was expecting something sci-fi and straight out of Star Wars. Then when I saw what they were, I understood. It’s a blending (portmanteau) of the words “jeans” and “yoga”. So these are jeans you can do yoga in. I am very skeptical, and for good reason. The first (and last) time I did yoga I did it in a pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans. Go ahead and laugh, but I must explain that I am not an idiot. I did not realize that I would be doing yoga that day when I chose my outfit. I was peer pressured into it by some very evil people… Back to the topic at hand… I can attest from first hand experience that you cannot and should not do yoga in jeans. The denim simply does not allow you to stretch as far as your body naturally can. Denim is a tough and rugged fabric, and because of that, it does not want to stretch.

To me, this is reminiscent of the pajama jeans. Pajama jeans were made to look like jeans, but feel and move like pajamas. However, they most certainly do not look like jeans. Even Helen Keller would have been able to recognize without touching them that they were not made of denim. The websites for these joga pants claim that they are made of real denim, but the denim is woven in a special and unique way. It seems that there is a cotton-like material on the underside that is overlaid with the denim. I don’t see how that would make the denim able to stretch more. The websites are not giving me enough information to convince me that it’s true. It sounds like some old school alchemy to me. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

In concept, I think it’s a great idea. You can do yoga and run errands without having to bring an extra pair of clothes. And you don’t have to feel like a slob going into a store with exercise clothes on. However, I have a feeling that some people will use these as an excuse to do yoga and then go to a meeting or to lunch or back to work wearing the same clothes. And that gets a resounding “NO!” from me. It’s just plain unhygienic. You’re sweating in those joga pants, and you think it’s okay to meet up with other people without showering or at least changing first? I don’t think so…

So my overall verdict: concept gets a gets a thumbs up, but execution gets a skeptical thumb sideways. I don’t want to make a decision without seeing and feeling them in person. So if any of you decide to buy them, let me know how they are. Also, leave comments and your opinions. Am I being too cynical and skeptical? Do you agree with me?

I’ll be back tomorrow with my fashion reads. Make sure to bring your library card… 

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